Sarah Morris is a psychotherapist, teacher, trustee and chair of two national mental health charities and activist in raising awareness of family court re-victimisation, child abuse and parental trauma. She trained with the Human Givens Institute and specialises in providing therapy to parents who have experienced domestic abuse, high conflict divorce, narcissistic abuse, professional and domestic parental alienation, section 37, 47 and professionally orders psychiatric court report bias, forced adoption, section 20 removal, SGO child removal, change of residence, disclosure of child sexual abuse and domestic and international abduction. She also treats those who are traumatised through family court proceedings, social services intervention and CAFCASS involvement.
Sarah's therapy is based around a deep understanding of trauma and its long term effect on the psychology of a person. She therefore works often with those who experience addictions, self harm, suicidal thoughts, OCD like behaviours and those families dealing with bereavement associated with sucide, often of a young person.
She has strong connections with secondary education and still teaches part time. The teaching profession is acutely aware and doing all they can to manage the impact of educational demands on pupils in the UK today. Sarah treats adolescents of school age in crisis, works with families living with an Autistic family member and for parents of children with mental health issues.
Her 30 year educational experience of mental health related issues in secondary school age students in mainstream and private school, home school and PRU pupils gives her a gift of being able to speak openly and build confidence in young people and their families in a rare and very special manner. She has been highly praised by colleagues and parents alike for with her outstanding, caring and effective provision in this area. She offers psychotherapeutic assistance to children at Key stage 3 and above through to school leavers.
She provides Human Givens Therapy to clients undergoing or following on from both private and public law proceedings involving children in family court. She also offers therapy specialising in domestic abuse related trauma, Ongoing Relational Trauma Syndrome, Narcissistic Abuse Trauma, Social services, CAFCASS and family court revictimization, NT and Asperger's adult relationships, parental alienation, adult survivors of adult and child sexual abuse, child sexual abuse criminal procedures and supporting parents when the legal and family court system fails them.
She is chair of trustees and manages a national charity for parent who self identify as, or are referred due to, presenting as high risk of suicide due to professional, institutional and relational domestic abuse involving the non-fatal loss of children. She is also chair of a national charity which is a non judgemental charity to support parents apart from their children. Sarah also provides a listening ear to a national charity as a helpline volunteer counsellor. In a voluntary capacity in her free time she and her therapy dog visit hospitals, schools and residential Macmillan end of life homes to provide therapy through dogs as a volunteer.
She writes for national journals and magazines and speaks at public events on the topic of family court, Asperger's and Narcissism, high conflict divorce, child arrangements, parental alienation, mental health and therapeutic recovery.
She also is a professional support and advisor to a number of charitable organisations delivering care to parents struggling to comprehend some traumatic issues surrounding child arrangements, child care orders and family court proceedings.