There are many reasons why children cease to be part of a persons life. It may be that the parent has experienced illness, divorce, domestic abuse, forced adoption, SGO, parental alienation, incarceration, detention of liberty or the child has been abducted to another country or within the United Kingdom as part of a manipulative tool to retain power over a fleeing parent. Also there may be professional parties involved, following on from allegations of physical, sexual or emotional abuse that leave highly traumatised protective parents vulnerable to what is perceived by many as a exceptionally invasive and highly manipulative damaging social services and CAFCASS involvement which may run counter to CPS involvements. Clients frequently report that they have been manipulated by a system that they thought would protect their children. We are non judgemental.
Our expertise is in cases where the children have been removed through public law, private law or criminal law procedures or by manipulation by another person, usually the hostile parent, using their family or hired 'professionals'.
Sarah Morris is a highly experienced specialist in supporting parents this field and exceptionally knowledgeable about the system. She has a nationally recognised experience of understanding how child removal can happen with these cases involving social services, CAFCASS. Many professionals refer these clients to her for assistance where they cannot help. She is fully supportive of providing therapy to parents in this heavily guarded 'private' legal arena. We understand the damaging psychological impact and challenge people face when being thrown into such a world. Our total focus is the mental health and welfare of you, the client as you enter this hostile and damaging arena.