Sarah Morris is accredited with HGI by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA). This mark of quality assures the general public, service commissioners and employers that human givens practitioners belong to a register vetted and approved by an independent statutory body. The Framework of Ethics standards are fully adhered to.
This means that Sarah Morris will protect your confidentiality unless you or a person that you approve or a court order requests the release of data. All emails are encrypted and data stored is also two authentication protected.
There are a few occasions where this confidentiality must be broken.
If Sarah Morris is worried about your immediate safety or that you are being hurt either by your own actions or by someone else, she will want to help you to find the best way to keep yourself safe.
She will do this by listening and by talking to you about what you want to do. Most of the time whatever you tell her will stay between you her. If she feels that you are unable to make decisions for yourself she might need to tell someone else what you’ve told her, to be able to help you or any children that you may disclose. Sarah Morris is Level 2 trained in Child Protection and Safeguarding. Under some circumstances it may also apply to adults, if for example, you are not able to make a decision about your own safety because you don’t understand the risks, if you cannot remember the situation you are in, or if you lose consciousness whilst you are on the phone to us. Sarah Morris also holds a level 2 safeguarding Adults training certificate.
If you share information with us which identifies a child or adult at risk who is suffering abuse or harm, after discussion with you, we may contact other relevant services. We can only help in these situations if we have information which identifies you.
If you share information regarding female genital mutilation it is Sarah’s legal duty to immediately inform the police.